Thursday, August 13, 2009

What's up, 300 miles?

I meant to write something on here yesterday, really I did, but then I got distracted by a board game with my roommates. I'm actually serious, that's what happened. I am just that cool.

Anyway, yesterday I went for a lovely little jaunt and hit the 300 mile mark on my Nike+, fully expecting to hear Lance Armstrong congratulate me at the end and tell me I hit 300 miles, but noooo.... Now that I'm thinking about it, he must have congratulated me at 250 so that means he'll be back at 500 miles. Only 200 miles to go! I ended my run by slowing to a walk outside my house and going, "Damn you, Lance Armstrong!"

Now I'm going to go run again. It seems that's all I do lately. Today is just a quick 3 mile jaunt which I shall accomplish this morning because I have plans tonight. I thought my toenails were turning black and going to fall off, but then I took off the pink toenail polish and discovered that a couple are just sore but show no sign of blackness. I find this strangely disappointing.

Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

Nike Athena said...

I'm glad your toes are not black. I would find that disturbing.