Saturday, August 8, 2009

Oh yeah, I did.

That's right, I ran 14 miles today. That's officially the farthest I've ever run. And I did not die. Banner day!!!!

Around mile 12 I saw an elderly couple walking their dog, and they proceeded to stop and cheer me on. It was kind of adorable, and definitely sweet of them. Also, it motivated me to keep running and not die. I like that.

Today I went out for coffee with my former intern from my journalist days (hello, long lost career that ended when someone tried to kill me) and we had a lovely time. Now I shall proceed to hang out with Shawna so that I do not spend another Saturday evening at home cleaning house. Ah, weekends.

1 comment:

Nike Athena said...

Your abilities and strength never cease to amaze me. Congratulations on your banner achievement! I cannot even comprehend a 14 mile run - that's more than half a marathon!