Thursday, August 27, 2009

Chicks dig unicorns.

Note the redesign. Shawna pimped us out--I love it, personally. Recently Shawna also tried to convince me that we should buy matching shirts with unicorns on them because it would make us even cooler than we already are. I didn't go for it. But I do dig unicorns.

Today I had a minor moment of insanity that went something like this:

Friend: Hello? (answering the phone)
Me: I hate running. I'm quitting. I'm going to be an Olympian Couch Potato. I'm lying in a heap of misery on the floor and I'm never moving again.
Friend: You don't hate running.
Me: Yes I do. I'm in the depths of despair.
Friend: What exactly happened?
Me: Nothing. I haven't even gone running yet today. Cause I hate it with undying passion.
Friend: No you don't.
Me: My legs are going to detach from my body because I hate running so much that they're just going to fall off.
Friend: And then someone will be able to push you around in a wheelchair. And you'll be even shorter than you already are, which will be HILARIOUS.
Me: And then I'll be like one of my clients!!!! You see, this is HORRIBLE.
Friend: You don't hate running. Go for a run, you'll feel better.

Etc, etc. That's the paraphrased version of the conversation, and quite possibly involves some misquotes to make me seem slightly more sane. I'm nothing if not dramatic. I did run 5 miles, and I did feel better. I hate it when I'm wrong.

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