Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Adventures still to ensue this summer:

1. Double feature at the movies: 500 Days of Summer and Julie & Julia. Awesomeness to be viewed followed by a picnic atop a butte with Shawna, as we clearly should have romantic friend dates cause it is not weird at all.

2. Camping at a blue grass festival. Need I say more?

3. Tour de Fat. Beers. Bicycles. Old pals. Basically an excellent combo.

4. Lake trips and future floating trips. Oh, joy.

5. The planning of a fantastic double birthday party (not till fall arrives, but its cool so I have to include it) in September whereupon we shall make all of our friends "suit up!"

6. Marathon training. Lots, and lots of running.

1 comment:

Nike Athena said...

Sounds fun!!! I have not heard of 500 Days of Summer, but reserved "Julie & Julia" (the book) from the library. Along with 52 other people. Also... "Time Traveller's Wife" comes out next week and I think we should go see it. Hugs!