Friday, January 28, 2011

Well, oops.

Sometimes I forget to blog. For a really, really long time.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What is it with me and mud?

I have no idea why, but I'm finding the idea of events involving mud and being rugged totally entertaining lately.

My running buddy and I signed up for a trail run at the end of the month wherein you have to run through rives and mud and whatnot. This seemed like an excellent idea at the time.

And now, some other friends convinced me to join them in the glory that is the Warrior Dash!

It just sounds so interesting. It's like playing in the mud when you were little, but better, cause you get a funny hat.

Things I'm really good at lately...

1. Sitting on the couch watching trashy television while drinking a diet Sprite with vanilla from Sonic. This is my happy time, typically occurring on Tuesdays.

2. Napping.

3. Finding things to wear scarves with. I'm just really into scarves lately. Perhaps I should have more than three that I constantly rotate?

4. Making things out of beef, due to the fact that my parents gave me some organic, grass-fed beef from their friend's ranch. It tastes like heaven, in meat form.

5. Discovering items at Goodwill that I originally think are ugly, then show them to Shawna and realize they are really cute and I shouldn't have let her steal them away from me. Oh, yellow shoes, I will be borrowing you.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Goodbye 2010....

So, that year kinda sucked. There were some good things, some really good things, and then the last half of it really took a downward spiral for some reason. I'm trying not to let the bad memories take away from the happy memories. Also, I discovered that I have a really good set of friends and family surrounding me.

I'm hoping 2011 is better. A lot better. And although I think New Year's Resolutions are kind of silly, here are mine. I decided to do 11 for 2011.

1. Run another marathon. June 4, here I come!

2. Obtain a new 5K PR. Or at least be as fast as I once was, haha.

3. Figure out my finances.

4. Be awesome, and hardcore--which involves completing several events I am excited about--namely the Warrior Dash next September, which is a 3 mile obstacle course involving mud, fire, and glory.

5. Help my best pal have an excellent wedding, cause she's pretty cool.

6. Go on vacation somewhere warm for my 27th b-day on the 27th of September. This is highly contingent on my finances.

7. Write some stuff, since I used to do that for a living or whatever.

8. Make. pants. fit.

9. Drink at least 64 ounces of water every day.

10. Teach Shawna to clean the bathroom, cause she never has.

11. Cook a new recipe per week. (I got the "Nancy Drew Cookbook" for Christmas, haha, and it is amazing!)

We'll see about that.

Upon further reflection, I discovered these were my goals last year:
1. Be happy.
2. Run more (signed up for a 15k in Salem on Feb. 7 as a method of forcing myself to work out)
3. Eat healthier (Shawna's roommate influence will not bring me down! Just say no to frozen burritos!)
4. Spend more time with my family (if a trip to England can be worked into this, that would be ideal)
5. Take control of my financial situation (thus making a trip to England most likely impossible)

I'd say I gave all of those a shot, but you'll notice they're strikingly similar to my 2011 resolutions. Some things never change...