Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hello, Sunday.

I am currently considering a run, but also considering sitting around in my sweats while watching Buffy. It's a very confusing moment in my life.

To recap my weekend:
1. Worked 10 hours on Friday (holy exhaustion)
2. Made the boyfriend take vitamins cause he's sick, and laughed at him when he complained
3. Ate coconut pineapple ice cream
4. Crocheted and watched football
5. Discovered the boyfriend's baseball jersey from when he was 9 fits me quite well, and is comfy, so promptly stole it
6. Slept
7. Contemplated running

It was a full couple of days.

Sidenote: Not even my own mother has donated to my polar plunge cause... Should I be worried? I have a feeling I'm going to be paying $50 to jump into a river. So far we're debating between costumes such as: cheerleaders, old prom dresses, snow bunnies, super heroes... and I can't remember what else. Thoughts?

1 comment:

Nike Athena said...

I plan on donating, just have to wait until next week. =)

I still think you should dress up as otters. They're possibly the cutest thing on the planet.