Monday, January 4, 2010

Look at me blog...

Today I did several things:

1. Found out my car is fine, and the fuel gauge just hates me. Still, I'm okay with this.

2. Drank a delicious tea beverage from Whole Foods, as well as ate a sandwich as I was running late due to said oil change.

3. Ran 3 miles.

4. Browsed the dollar store with Shawna and bought a fake Sham-Wow.

5. Ate some potato chips cause a pal left them at my house.


1 comment:

Becky said...

I'm still reading!!! I'm also on the hunt for that damn sugar cookie tea you sent me last winter. I'm all out and I can't find it anywhere! SAD DAYS!
Also, I totally stole the year in pictures idea from you.

Also, your man is HOTTTTT!