Friday, October 17, 2008

Random Updates (due to lack of other interesting topics)

I'm still doing the 100 pushup challenge, but I am repeating week two because it seemed unnecessarily difficult. Last night I did 10 without dying and am now moving on to week three as of Sunday.

This weekend my long run is 12 miles! Wooo!!!!! I'm hoping the weather holds out and it is more pleasant this weekend than my 10 mile run in a dust storm last weekend. After this run I get to wind down a little next week and the week after until the half marathon on the 1st. Wish me luck!

So far I haven't missed a day of the Breast Cancer Awareness Fitness Challenge and have managed to surpass the 30 minute goal per day. I'm hoping that post-half marathon it'll motivate me to do 30 minutes per day because right now I'm kind of thinking to myself, "I swear I am doing nothing but napping for a week straight when I'm done with this. That's it, just naps." I think that's just me being tired though.

As for the stupid scale, I haven't weighed myself again since being disappointed by the 154 but it turns out that the day after I weighed in my uterus decided to play tricks on me (I swear my uterus sucker punched my kidney at one point). I'm pretty irregular so I thought it was a safe time to weigh myself, but apparently not. Could explain why it didn't register a weight loss this month... I probably will just not weigh in again until next month anyway, cause it won't be a very big difference anyhow. Then again, curiosity might get the best of me and I'll weigh in next week. We'll see.

I had to spend part of today and will be spending part of Monday at a pumpkin patch for work. Fall is wonderful.

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