Thursday, October 30, 2008

Oh heck!

You know that feeling you get right before you get sick? The one where you aren't really sick but you just feel achy and gross and can tell a cold/flu/death is approaching?

I started feeling that way tonight.

Currently I am obsessively drinking herbal tea and hoping that it's just my body telling me it needs a good night of sleep. How do I get better by tomorrow? I have a trip to see old friend and a half marathon to complete!!!!

I'm going to be very irritated if I get sick and can't do this. There is no logical reason for me to be sick right now, darn it!

Update to follow--either a really irritated one about how my immune system hates me, or one of excitement that I complete a goal. I'm going to write another post right after this about my newest goal because it is hilarious but completely unrelated to the fact that I feel a little crappy right now.

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