I tend to eat a lot at breakfast. It is my most favorite meal of the day and I tend to consume a ridiculous amount of my daily calories first thing in the morning. Of course, I don’t see anything wrong with this because A) it gives me energy for the rest of the day and B) breakfast is awesome.
Know what else is awesome? Smoothies. I have a serious smoothie obsession, much to the dismay of my poor, cheap blender. I find smoothies helpful when it comes to things like getting five servings of fruit and veggies each day cause you can cram a bunch in there right as you start your morning. I’m a big fan of fruits and veggies as well.
Recently I discovered that I’m not nearly adventurous enough when it comes to my morning smoothie. The most common breakfast smoothie variety often involves the following: vanilla soy milk, peanut butter, a banana, and a few frozen berries (most frequently strawberries, but sometimes I use blueberries or whatever happens to be in my freezer). Seriously people, it’s good. Some might say it’s too high calorie but those people are lame. A large chunk of the calories comes from peanut butter, and I am also quite the fan of things like healthy fats that you get from nuts or olive oil or avocados. Plus, I use natural peanut butter and it amuses me greatly because the ingredients list is one word: peanuts.
The other day I found myself without any berries in my freezer, but I had randomly frozen some canned fruit (without the juice) because I couldn’t figure out how long it was good for when left in a plastic container in my fridge. If anyone knows the answer to that, please tell me. Anyway, it was a mixture of peaches, pineapple, grapes and a lone cherry, and obviously it seemed logical to toss it in the blender with my other ingredients.
The result? Deliciousness! I’m kind of convinced that all smoothies are fabulous. And I just found this whole website of smoothie recipes so I’m thinking I should branch out a little more.
Anyone know a particularly delicious smoothie recipe?
I have a whole book dedicated to smoothies!
Word on the street is avocado smoothies are yummy. I think this must be true cause whenever I try to order one they are fresh out of avocados. Go figure.
I want a smoothie! I shall make my banana, orange, raspberry yogurt, honey, vanilla soy milk concoction tomorrow! Beware of the gloriousness that is to enter my belly!!!
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