In other news, I have to work this evening, which I didn't know and that makes me moderately sad. Luckily today is a cross training day instead of a running day, cause nothing makes me crankier than having to either skip my run or run in the dark, let me tell you. Tonight shall instead be spent elliptical-izing while watching "Bones." Pretty sure I should stop watching that show though, cause I had a dream about cannibalism the other day and that just can't be normal.
The random photo fun is this: the other day I logged onto Facebook to put up photos from my birthday (which seriously was pretty kickass... 10K awesomeness complete with friends to cheer me on at the finish, then Oktoberfest fun whereupon I joined in a rousing version of the chicken dance while completely sober). Anyway, oddly enough on that very day an old exchange student buddy decided to put up an album of photos from three years ago when she visited me. She's from Iceland and came to visit for my 21st birthday. She tagged me in them so it showed up on my profile. I clicked over to them and it went a little something like this:
"OMFG--DUDE. That is the UGLIEST PICTURE OF ME EVER. Who took that? They need to be punched in the face. OMG AND SHE TAGGED ME! People will SEE THIS!"
I'm sure we've all had Facebook photo moments like this. Anyway, I didn't remove the tag, but I did delete the thing off my profile that says I was tagged. It isn't so much that I was 65 pounds heavier (or 55, or whatever the heck the difference is between now and then) but that there are some seriously ugly pictures of me. And for some reason it bothers me to think that people will see these photos of me and agree that I look ugly. And then I'm annoyed at myself for thinking that, cause who the crap cares? Anyway, I do not look good from this angle, let it be noted:

As a comparison, just for kicks, here are a couple photos of me from this year's birthday... do I look older?
Here is a random one of me being politically enthusiastic:
Why yes, that is a plastic wand in my hand. It also lights up. Birthdays are cool.
1 comment:
Actually, you look much younger. More mature, oddly enough, but younger. I realize that makes no sense, but it's true.
And now I will look up definitions for my SP416 class while watching "Bones". Lata!
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