You see, though we both live in tiny towns, there is a large town in between us that makes it very convenient to meet up and cause trouble. This weekend there is a film festival in town! And since it was time to pick up our cool teacups that we painted last week, obviously we had to go on a series of adventures.
First, we went to the running store. After that, we picked up our teacups and marveled at their beauty... We're not artists, but at least it was fun. Here is Shawna's teacup which is themed after Pushing Daisies:
Here is my teacup, which is themed after the movie "Superstar" (my all time favorite after Grease 2... my, I have strange tastes) and was finished quickly cause I had to leave before everyone else, so parts of it turned out a little strange:
So what does on do with ceramic teacups? They go next door to the ceramics place and visit people in the Obama headquarters! I bought a button and a bumper sticker, and it was very exciting, and we met a dreamy man when we were asking about volunteering. We didn't realize that to volunteer we just had to go in whenever we had time, so they tried to get us to register voters but we couldn't since we had plans. Oddly enough, a friend from college that just moved to town was in there volunteering and saw us but couldn't say hi cause she was on the phone. We didn't even notice she was there, which tells you how observant we are. Also, that man was really dreamy.
Of course, we had to document this with a photo as well:
I feel that at this point I should mention we were wearing nearly identical coats. You see, last year we went shopping together and bought the same coat on clearance--Shawna bought it in black and I bought it in brown. Until yesterday we had avoided any unfortunate matching experience. Until, that is, Shawna walked out of work and we found ourselves matching. Naturally we decided to roll with it, and proceeded to have many people stare at us, comment on our matchiness, or in the case of a crowd full of young men, drive by and lean out the window pointing. Of course, we had to ask an old man to take a photo of us and our matching coats and a cement man. Notice the couple off to the side staring and wondering about us:
I should also mention that it was freaking COLD yesterday. In fact, shortly after this photo, it began snowing on us. That's right, snowing in October! It was unpleasant. Since we just started the Breast Cancer Awareness Fitness Challenge, Shawna and I then decided to take a lovely stroll around a local park for 30 minutes. I put on my new running shoes to bask in their powers of awesome, and off we went. Here is Shawna demonstrating how freezing cold it was:
And here I am, running maniacally up the path to demonstrate how lovely my shoes are:
Once the path through the park ended, we walked through a glorious neighborhood full of super cute houses like this one:
Isn't the driveway cool? After that adventure, it was time to grab some dinner... and what goes better with fitness than pizza and beer? Okay, probably a lot of things, but we decided to have some delicious veggie pizza accompanied by beer. Also, we gave a slice of pizza to a homeless man and it made us happy cause we looked for a homeless person to give a sandwich to last weekend never found one! After our pizza it was time to get in line for the film festival, and wouldn't you know it, we were first in line! I scared an older man by yelling, "Nice button!!!!" very enthusiastically and pointing at my similar Obama button. He thought I was crazy but really I had a point. At this point we received several comments on our matching coats, including one from a man who said, "You're matching! Bobsey Twins!" We replied, "We're not supposed to be..." and he said, "Oh, but you are!" Ha. I kept feeling a need to explain to people that we weren't supposed to match. Shawna suggested we carry a sign if it happens again, which I think is wise.
Since we were first in line, of course we had someone take a photo... wouldn't you know it, as they were taking it a reporter from the local paper jumped up behind them and started snapping away! I was horrified. You can kind of see the horror on both our faces:
We saw a couple films, and they were good, and then we accompanied some friends to a local brewery where we decided to split a beer sampler. It had small servings of each of the beers they had on tap, and after we tasted each one it seemed logical to spin a salt shaker to see who had to finish each one. Cause why wouldn't you do that?
Lastly, we went to a friend's house and played a game called "Quip It!" which I was horrible at because I can't be witty on demand, usually. A fun and glorious time was had by all!
Good blogs today! I didn't get to read this one until tonight, because I've been at Sierra's all day. I seriously wanted to see what you had written, and dear Leslie you did not disappoint. I will now steal the photos you posted, thank you very much.
Ha, I forgot to tell you that my friend, Marshall, saw us when we were downtown getting our picture taken with the statue. He was stopped at the light and wondering what the heck we were up to.
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