I showered and called Leslie to ask if I could put my Slim-Fast powder in coffee instead of milk and she thought that was fine. Turns out it definitely did work and held me over till lunch! Wahoo for caffeine and breakfast in one delicious mocha shape!
During my break at work I decided to kick start day one of the Breast Cancer Awareness 30 Minutes Challenge that Leslie and I are taking on. I went for a walk in the park and saw children skateboarding, dogs peeing, and ducks showing off their butts. Here is said duck butt:
It was an enjoyable way to spend time in the brisk Fall weather, and I found new paths to take next time! I also took a very slow stroll with my dog, Beesly, this evening and he miraculously did not decide to eat poop or roll around on dead frogs as per his usual tradition. But he did get afraid of big dogs who barked at him, and we ran back home in defense of our lives. Here is my pre-frightened scaredy dog:
I feel very good about walking around and enjoying the weather. This is my faaaaavorite season of all, and I will most definitely miss it when it's gone. Bike riding through my neighborhood tomorrow? I think that's a good plan.
If you want to be happy go read this past Elastic Waist post. I get giddy whenever I take a gander at it.
Ohhhhh, Beesly is so cute!!! I hope you find him an adorable Halloween costume.
I did, and he wants to destroy it. Too bad for him that I'm bigger and stronger and can make him into a bee if I want.
So I knew Shawna had been contributing to Leslie's blog, but I have been in the no-internet arena so am terribly behind and it turns out your writing styles are similar and I was very confused as to why Lel was talking about her dog Beesly. I am caught up now.
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