Saturday, October 4, 2008

Oh my gosh, I am cold.

Yet I refuse to turn the heat on because I don't want to deal with a high electric bill. I like to see how far into the cold season I can get without heat. Last year I seem to remember making it almost to November.

Today Shawna and I painted teacups at a ceramics place. Basically, we are artistic geniuses. Pictures will follow, do not worry.

Have I mentioned yet that I am cold?

After our painting adventure I came home and ran nine miles. That makes me less concerned that I can handle 13.1 miles, which is good.

Why do they call it chicken fried steak if no chicken is involved?

Turns out that my body has not decided to be a size 10 yet, but it doesn't want to be a size 12 either. This is very tricky. I did buy a skirt for $3 that is a size 10, and it fits nicely, but the jeans shopping ended with me feeling very unattractive. While I did find a couple pairs that zipped, it was not a cute look cause they were still veeerrrrrrrry tight. So we shall have to wait and see if my ass shrinks more.

As I was stuffing my ass into jeans I told Shawna about the last time I wore a size 10. I remember it clearly: I was 10 years old (it makes it easy to remember) and I had a pair of size 10 jeans that were white. It was very punk rock. Anyhow, I outgrew them by the time I turned 11 and we sold them in a yard sale to a woman that I remember being very attractive. For years afterward I never thought it would be possible that I would even approach a size 10 again. So at least I'm close and have random stories about owning white jeans. I also had a mullet at one point during my childhood. Jealous?

This is a very random post. I dig it.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That is so exciting that you are almost in a size 10. I can't even imagine being that small (I'm a 14 now and feel as if I've always been a 14-16).
