Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Top 5 Fitness Inspirations

I like television. I like television so much that I enjoy watching workout videos for fun sometimes. Once in a blue moon, I actually participate but that's a rarity. Instead I choose to absorb the awesomeness of certain fitness personalities through the wonder of osmosis. Here's a list of the top 5 fitness rock stars who have affected my life in reverse chronological order. If ever I did get off the couch, it would be for them.

5. Jillian Michaels

"Unless you puke, faint or die, keep going!"

Jillian Michaels is my current fitness inspiration, and she is awesomeness personified in a rock-hard, no nonsense body. She will most likely kill you and eat your honky tonk badonkadonk if you don't listen to her and give 200% of your energy in her 30 Day Shred and in life. Actually she won't because of all the calories, and was that a really gross image?

Anyway, Jillian is great because she makes you want to cry, and curl up in the fetal position... but you won't because she'll just yell even louder. And just know, her shouting comes from the heart... a tiny Grinch-sized heart.

4. Denise Austin

"I find new elements of health and fitness to motivate people all the time. The sky’s the limit. Look at America - I still have a lot to do."

I first discovered the peaceful creature named Denise Austin in college when a roommate would workout to her Lifetime show in the mornings. Of course, I would not workout myself, but I enjoyed sitting on the couch and listening to her hypnotic, soothing voice as she transported me to different exotic locales in each episode. This woman has got to be like some sort of mind-altering drug.

I remember one particular episode where Denise kept talking about blueberries and she would not stop praising the blue fruit. (Warning: completely falsified quote here in hippie voice) "I loooove blueberries. Mmm. I always put them on my daughters' cereal in the morning, and it's so good for them. So many antioxidants. Oh, why don't you eat some blueberries tomorrow, please? Now, let's do pilates in front of the Grand Canyon and braid eachother's hair."

3. Billy Blanks

"Discipline is remembering what you want most, not what you want now."

Tae Bo was THE THING in the nineties, and you totally know it. Everyone everywhere was caught up in the kickboxing craze that Billy Blanks began, and I was no different. Both my sister and I begged our mother for Billy's Tae Bo video boxed set of which I got and promptly set aside after 2 or 3 sessions. Do you notice a pattern here?

I am uncoordinated and peaceful. I choose not to kick. But Billy is still dreamy and awesome and could beat you up.

2. Richard Simmons

"Never, never! ... I get tired of negativity in our country. I get tired of people who only want to know dirt. I get tired of people who don't believe in themselves. That's why I'm here."

Know who else is dreamy and awesome? Richard Simmons! (Also, I use the word awesome too much, don't I? Oh well... Not going to stop 'cause it's my favorite word, so neener neener!)

So, Richard Simmons. Awesome. I actually did used to participate in "Sweatin' to the Oldies" extravaganzas of fun. Dancing + oldies music? How could this ridiculous amount of entertainment possibly be a workout?

Ricky, as I like to call him, is the person on my list I would most like to invite to a tea party and play dress up with. I think he would enjoy the cocoa chai and I would totally rock that sequin tank top. BFF!

1. Barbie

"I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world. Laughing plastic... It's fantastic!"

And now, the toughest broad of them all, Barbie A. Doll. She may not look like much, but this chick knows how to get results, one pre-teen girl at a time. I got this video for Christmas when I was 8 years old, and I was COMPLETELY in love with it. The peppiness, the pink! Oh, the gloriousness. Yes, animated Barbie was kind of creepy-looking back in the day, but look at those arm warmers! You've got to admit, the kid's got style.

Also, little know fact... Jennifer Love Hewitt was one of the back-up "dancers" in this production!

If you desire experiencing this pink wonder for yourself, you can enjoy the entire video below! Yay for technology!

Who are your fitness inspirations?

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Hahahaha, oh how this post filled my little heart with joy...