Why are you so obsessed with trying to make me thin? What business is that of yours and your strategically placed and judgmental advertisement?
Why do you pretend to know me and what I want? Just because I told you my birthday once upon a time I am not going to be impressed by you targeting my age and other stats.

What's worse is that I know you are showing these images of semi-anorexic looking bodies to impressionable teenagers who want nothing more than to have friends and fit in. You are promising extreme results through severely unhealthy means, and I kind of hate you for that because I believe some will trust you and fall for your tricks.

No diet, no exercise, easy and convenient. Who wouldn't want to believe that's true? Please stop trying to sell us pills and potions and just let us live our lives and find our own ways to help ourselves.

And no, I am not interested in joining
ChristianMingle.com, thank you very much. Just leave me in peace so I can continue stalking my friends like usual and not feel like I have you looking over my shoulder, too.
Hahahaha, I got that ad, too!!! Someone told me that they pay attention to what sites you visit and give you ads based on that. I have no idea if that's true or not...but it seems true sometimes!
Ugh, I hate advertisements like that. I always get ads on Facebook and MySpace for this stupid "Pink Patch" weight loss thing. It's either that or one of a billion ads offering me discounts on baby stuff. Apparently since I am now in my late twenties I should have a baby and want to lose the baby weight that came with it.
Those advertisers can pretty much suck it as far as I'm concerned.
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