Saturday, January 10, 2009

It's a dog eat anything world.

Okay, lame title, I know. I just wanted to lead into our topic of the day.

My dog, Beesly, will eat anything. Luckily, he is pretty calm about me opening his mouth and removing his delicacies. Beesly has attempted or succeeded to eat the following:

  • Another dog's poop (Well, that's a given, isn't it?)
  • 2 razor blades with the soap around them (Luckily we got these away from him without any tongue cuts)
  • 1 long dead, squished frog on the road (After being scolded for this behavior, he proceeded to roll around on the frog like it was the greatest thing in the world.)
  • 1 dead bird
  • Dozens of rocks
  • Dozens and dozens of pine cones
  • 2 headphones
  • My toes
  • Houseplants
  • Any paper towel in sight
  • 2 bras
  • 3 belts
  • 1 plastic protractor
  • 3 tubes of lip balm
And this morning it was evident that my crazy dog had decided to eat another one of life's greatest treats: the penny. And not just one, my friends... Over the course of several rounds of puking and pooing (gross, huh?) 6 pennies found the light of day again.

Really, WHO eats pennies? Beesly is so stinking ridiculous. Thankfully, he seems fine now, wagging his little tail and eating actual dog food so hopefully there won't be any repercussions. Why must he eat everything?

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Hahahaha, he's like a piggy bank, but in dog form!!!!