What else would one do with their Friday night besides dress in dark clothing and hide behind something in freezing cold weather? Our original plan involved sneaking up on her mother when she got off work at midnight, but her mother works in a lockdown facility with security cameras and stoplights and it seemed like a good idea to not get arrested. Instead we lurked in the shadows outside her mom's house for awhile (and knocked on the door to tell her stepfather so that he didn't shoot us).
When her mom arrived home and we snuck up on her, all she did was stop and say, "What are you doing?" She thought we were the 12-year-old neighbor kids. Then we took her to get pie, thus the name of our mission: Operation Pie.
Please note the shrubbery shoved down my jacket. I totally blended into the scenery like a freaking plant! As promised, here are photos of our adventures... try not to be jealous of how awesome we are.

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