Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Podcasts to run by (or walk or bike)

I've been searching iTunes for podcasts that I can run and walk to once I get my Nike+ in the mail, and it turns out I've already been subscribed to those that I'm actually interested in. I did find one called Podrunner, and it included the BPM of the music so that you can match the podcast to your chosen activity. But, it's techno. So, if techno doesn't totally make you want to rip your ears off like it does to me, then go ahead and search for that.

A few of my favorite podcasts to listen to while walking are:

Indie Soup Runner
This podcast only comes out once a month, but it's a total joy to listen to. It's just fun, upbeat music that makes you want to dance around your house in your underwear. And it's not techno, so that's good. Seriously. I hate techno. What is the point of it except to drive me crazy? I'm finding that by listening to this podcast that I'm also discovering new artists that I want to check out, so this can also broaden your musical horizons.

This American Life

Oh, Ira glass, you magnificent hunk of man. I find This American Life to be thoroughly entertaining, and listening to it makes me feel like I'm gaining knowledge while improving my body. Double awesome! I don't know if people would like this to run to, but walking to it sure is nice.

Jillian Michaels
Oh yes, we've mentioned Jillian's podcast before, but that's just because it's AWESOME! She is totally motivational, and I love listening to her tips and conversations with callers. Check her out. She's a hoot.

Podcasts for Running

I haven't actually listened to this podcast for fun, but I think it would be useful as this man has synched up music with weekly Couch to 5k plans. This way you don't need to check your watch every few minutes to know when to walk or run! Very convenient.

The JogTunes Indie Podcast
I haven't spent much time with this one, but it seems promising. There's quite an archive of shows, and the music ranges several genres.

Well, that's all I've got. Please comment if you have any favorite podcasts you like to exercise to so that I can check it out.

I really should go do something productive now. Hasta luego!


Leslie said...

The question is, what DOESN'T make me want to dance around my house in my underwear???

jogTunes.com said...

Thanks for your kind mention of my show, The JogTunes Indie Podcast. I'd like to add that my show emphasizes beats-per-minute like Podrunner. The sessions are sequenced by BPM, with warm-up, full run, and cool-down segments. I hope this helps runners who enjoy matching the beat of the music with their pace.

Dr. Bob
The JogTunes Indie Podcast