Six random things about me:
1. When I type I often tilt my head to one side. It really only happens when I'm concentrating, but I sometimes find my head tilted so much that my ear is almost touching my shoulder. My older sister used to walk by the computer in our house and straighten it because she found it very bizarre.
2. While eating I fold my napkin into fourths absentmindedly. Even if I try not to, I often find that I do without noticing. In fact, I didn't even notice I did this until someone pointed it out to me.
3. When I'm home (and alone, which is convenient cause I live alone) I frequently dance around in my underwear, just cause I can. Last night I danced around in my underwear cause I bought new underwear and wanted to show my sister. She appreciated it, pretty much.
4. If I'm ever on Jeopardy and don't know the final question, I would totally write, "Who is your mom?" Mainly because I want to hear the host read it.
5. I cannot do a cartwheel and it is one of my life's goals to figure out how.
6. Alarm clocks make me crazy, and as a result I've totally trained myself to wake up two minutes before the alarm goes off. Even if I wake up at different times of day I still manage it and have no idea how. If I am super sleepy and actually sleep till the alarm it makes me cranky and I have to go back to sleep for five minutes so that my day will start correctly with a lack of alarm.
Six random things I like:
1. Cupcakes
2. Hugs
3. Sunshine
4. Running (now I feel like a weird freak who likes running all of a sudden... back in the day I made fun of people like me)
5. New shoes and yoga pants
6. Breakfast, which leads us to a photo of my breakfast this morning:
I made french toast, at around 500 calories total. The bread is whole wheat (made from scratch, go me), soaked in milk, vanilla, and egg--and it features a drizzle of syrup, a banana, pomegranate seeds. Also, it was delicious. I got bored while a bunch of random men were fixing my water heater so I baked bread. Logical, I know.
Six random things I don't like:
1. Mean and/or judgmental people
2. Papaya
3. People who feel the need to yell things out their car window as they pass by runners and/or walkers. That makes me nuts.
4. Irresponsible landlords who have to be stalked in order to get them to fix something
5. Being without water for two days
6. Ummm... I'm having the hardest time with this section! Oh, winter! We have very strong feelings of dislike for one another.
1 comment:
Your breakfast looks so yummy! I just ate lunch and I want to eat even more!
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