Thursday, January 8, 2009


Sometimes I just don’t know what I feel like blogging about, but I have to blog anyway cause we’re doing this month o’ blogging thing.

Sometimes I discover new hair products like a magical curl creme and it makes me really happy. Also, it makes my hair look pretty.

Sometimes I run; sometimes I hide. Sometimes I’m scared of you, when all I really want is to hold you tight, treat you right, be with you day and night… Also, sometimes I text Britney Spears lyrics to my sister just cause I can.

Sometimes I feel like people are more proud of me for losing weight than they are for things like putting myself through college and graduating a year early, or winning a professional award.

Sometimes I really want to cut a bitch.

Sometimes I find myself talking to a friend's cat on the phone... while standing in the middle of a crowded grocery store.

Sometimes I forget I'm not 220 pounds anymore. Also, sometimes I really don't know what people think when they see me.

Sometimes I read about how a contestant on “The Biggest Loser” was arrested for assaulting someone with flour and it makes me laugh and hope she wins. Mainly because I, too, would like to be feisty like that when it comes to baking ingredients.

Sometimes I want to gain some weight back just to see what people would say, but then I remember that is a silly idea.

Sometimes I wonder why I’m not a roller derby girl.

Sometimes it really bums me out that I have to work both Friday night and during the day on Saturday (for example, this weekend) but then I remember that my social life is kind of non-existent lately, anyway, so it isn’t a big deal.

Sometimes I think I am a little too obsessed with CNN.

Sometimes I realize that soon I’ll have lived in the same house for three years and that’s a long time. Then I wonder why I’m accused of not being “settled down” yet.

Sometimes I wonder how I ended up this cynical. And then I remember various reasons.

Sometimes I write really random blog posts just because I feel like it…you’re welcome.

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Sometimes my feet are cold and I want to take a nap.

Sometimes I feel like skipping the nap and reading Twilight instead.

Sometimes I like to say, "Screw it" and watch How I Met Your Mother instead because sleep will come sooner than I think.