I'm super duper in love with memes and making lists. Although I wasn't tagged for this one, I found it here and want to pick up the game.
- More often than not, I can toss empty shampoo bottles over the top of the shower and make them in the trash can on the other side without even really trying. It's my one true gift, and I hope I'm not jinxing it by telling the world.
- I am in love with the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale. Red has been my Halloween costume for two years in a row, and I think my velvet-esque cape is the most in fashion (I'm seriously considering wearing it in public on a regular basis.) I find the imagery of the story to be beautiful and magical, and I love to find different editions of the book and flip through the illustrations. Yesterday I read Little Red by Lynn Roberts, and in this edition the story is about a little boy and set in late 18th century America. It has very interesting illustrations, and I recommend to anyone who is interested.
- Coffee ice-cream is my absolute favorite flavor ever. And it must be Haagen Daz. Period. This stuff is freaking delicious.
- When I was a kid I wanted to swim in the Olympics and be an author when I grew up. I would practice holding my breath underwater in our pool out back, and I'd type short stories on my mom's word processor stocked with neon green and pink paper.
- I have only owned male dogs (6) and female cats (3). At one point I thought our sheltie, Muffy, was a girl, but sadly he just had a really pathetic name.
- I can do this with my hand, which apparently is disgusting and/or awesome.
Six random things I like:
- The smell of rain on pavement.
- Removing pomegranate seeds from the white skin.
- Treehouses. I've always wanted to live in one like in Swiss Family Robinson.
- Stoop sitting and watching the sun set with friends(especially during my college days and with a cheap, cold beer in hand)
- The smell of baby hair.
- New notebooks and pens.
Six random things I don't like:
- When I fall asleep in the car and the driver has to slam on the brakes for some reason. It makes me feel like I'm going to have a heart attack.
- Loud noises and yelling.
- Racism.
- Trying on a clothing item that I'm sure is going to fit in a dressing room, but then finding out it doesn't.
- SPIDERS. They are so rude and gross and scary.
- Techno music. I guess that goes hand in hand with number 2.
Six blogs I will tag:
- Pink Spandex (okay, okay, so I just want Leslie to answer)
- Small Town Girl
- Delicious Ambiguity
- The Pink Flamingo
- Maria Ink
- Vulgar Moon
I am fascinated by your weird hand thing. I can't even come close to doing that without feeling like I'm going to break my thumb!
I will do this Six Random Things meme tomorrow!
hee hee, thanks! i'm working on mine now!!!
PS I also like tree houses. I actually have a book about them (like real ones, that adult people live in) and for two years I insisted that one of my life goals was to live in a tree house. I'm not sure, it still might happen.
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