Monday, January 5, 2009

Riddle me this...

What does a gal do when the midnight hour is fast approaching and she still hasn't written her blog post for the day? She follows suit of her blog co-author, Leslie, and also fills out a survey about the new year... But a much, much shorter version found at the personal blog of Maria, the Stickers and Donuts founder (which are both awesome blogs, by the way).

And away we go, sailor.

What was the worst part of last year? Maybe it sounds lame, but my dog (Jubal) dying was horrible. I had him for 14 years and loved him so much, and I took it pretty hard. None of my dogs have ever passed away from old age before, so that was also sort of a blessing to have had him that long. My dad's friend, Hilda, passed away from cancer and I knew her my whole life.

Also, world events and war and the economy depress the crap out of me.

What was the best part of last year? New life! I hated losing Jubal, but that also opened the doorway to getting Beesly who I also love. Friends also gave birth to squishy little babies who are my newest best friends. Know what babies love? Ice cream. And flying around like airplanes. And paper. Know what they hate? Squash apparently.

What was the biggest surprise of last year?
My friend, Kathryn, got engaged and then married two weeks later. That was rather surprising!

What are you most looking forward to next year? Obama becoming the next Prez. Watching the babies grow and walk and talk. I'm pretty much old Auntie Shawna with all my youngins' hanging around.

Is there anything you are not looking forward to next year? War. Death. The news. The usual really.

Which new years resolutions did you keep last year? Hmm... None? I think I only made one...

Which new years resolutions did you break last year? ...To lose 30 pounds which of course I didn't do.

What will be your new years resolutions next year? This year? Try to be a grown-up and get my life together. Get full-time hours at my job, get an apartment, take care of my body and mind, be a loving friend and family member, etc. You've seen my post from a few days ago.

Which resolution are you most likely to break?
Probably dropping Diet Pepsi. Oh my gosh, I love it so much. And waking up before 9. I've kind of been failing at that the last few days. I always stay up way too late reading blogs and prowling around on the internet or watching Conan O'Brien. Look at me now!

Which resolution are you most likely to keep?
I'm doing pretty well on writing blog posts and exercising. I got up early and went out to breakfast with my family on Sunday. I'm reading Twilight right now.

What was the best song of last year?
I'm looking at my iTunes right now to decide this, and the top 3 songs I've listened to overall are Ben Lee's "Ache For You", "Into the Dark", and "American Television." 4th is Sondre Lerche's "My Hands Are Shaking." Man, I love those two guys.

What was the best TV show of last year?
Pushing Daisies, oh how I'll miss you and your glorious saturated beauty. The Office, 30 Rock, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (Yes, I'm mentioning it again), Heroes, Lost, Grey's Anatomy. I also like TLC's Jon and Kate Plus 8 and Little People, Big World. Oh, and What Not to Wear is freaking awesome! I watch too much tv. I would totally put The Biggest Loser, but I can't stand watching the 2-hour episodes! They are just too long.

What was the best book you read last year?
Gosh, Eloise: The Ultimate Edition?

What was the best film of last year?
Mamma Mia, like Leslie said! And... what else? I'm totally looking at a list right now to see what was released. Kung Fu Panda! Awesome! Definitely, Maybe was cute. I also liked Charlie Bartlett, Penelope (!!!), Horton Hears a Who, Forgetting Sarah Marshall (so funny), Baby Mama, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 (yes, I'm totally listing that...let's go to Greece!), The House Bunny ("Where's the crapper? I got to do something mysterious in there...Drop off some timber"), Fireproof (cheesy acting, but good message), Twilight. Wow, sorry, I didn't mean to list that many! I love going to the movies!

What were some of your favorite things this year? Blogs, babies, tea, adventures with Leslie and friends, new puppy, Obama, Mental Floss magazine, cardigans, tv on dvd marathons.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Hahahaha, I was reading your list of movies and saying, "Oh that one WAS good! That one too!"

Also, Stickers and Donuts is awesome, how did I not know about it before?

We're so rocking at this daily blogging thing, man.