Friday, January 2, 2009

Oh, really now?

I am successful. I graduated college a year early (and paid for it by myself), I have a career, I own my own car, I'm self-sufficient and have been for very many years, I've been stable and on my own for awhile now. Also, I don't take any crap from anyone and know how to take care of myself. Oh, and I have a rockstar dog, but that's just a random sidenote.

So tell me, friends, why is it that when people are referring to me and a friend who happens to be married, that friend is "closer to having a life" than I am? Just because I don't have a man doesn't mean I don't have a life! I get so irritated by stuff like that. That seems to be all that people focus on lately--the fact that I'm STILL single.

I just wanted to share. Since January's theme is change, can I change the fact that people see me as irresponsible just cause I'm by myself? Pretty please?

I'm going to go have casual sex with strangers now...suck on THAT, non-single people!!!

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Haha, oh my gosh, I'm so glad you feel my pain too, Leslie. It's not horrible being single... It's horrible having people perpetually pointing this fact out to you and making you feel like you're less for it.