Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My newfound love affair

I love my Nike+ after only using it once. Like I kind of want to marry it and have little Nike+ babies that can all track their mileage and average time per mile with ease. That was creepy, wasn’t it?

Anyway, the ground was still covered in snow yesterday, but the sun was out and so I decided to brave the 20-degree weather for a run. I got some weird looks, but really, people in this town should be used to me doing things like this by now, am I right? It’s not like this is strange behavior for me, and I live in a town of 800 people so odds are most of them have seen me out and about before. Still, I felt very hardcore. I should have taken a picture of my winter running awesomeness.

I didn’t realize that each time I hit the button to hear spoken feedback, it left a little mark on my summary. Also, each time I made it play my power song it left a little red sound mark on my summary. Ha. I guess that means everyone will now know exactly how much I like Kelly Clarkson’s new song—I’m not ashamed, its an awesome song! I hit the feedback button so much cause I was trying to figure out if it was accurate or not… I’m going with not, since it told me that I was running a 9-ish minute mile. That, my friends, is surely a lie. Basically that means that I can’t get away without calibrating it, so as soon as the snow melts I’ll be making my way to the high school track to do exactly that. Shawna and I are totally going to have a calibrating party with another friend, woo hoo! It’s like a Nike+ cult.

After I loaded my run I made sure to check and see what Mini Leslie was up to in the Pink Spandex sidebar… holy crap, she got excited about running! She was dancing around and punching the air and whatnot. It amused me even more because Shawna called me just because she noticed Mini Leslie’s newfound enthusiasm. My sister also noticed that she had stepped it up and was no longer playing video games and talking about her .03 mile run. Oh, the joys of technology…

Speaking of which, if any of you lovely readers has a Nike+ and wants to join our team on their website, you totally should!!! It’s Team Pink Spandex. Right now it consists of Shawna, myself, and two people we don’t know. It’s very hardcore.


This is me.... said...

You are so hardcore! I have a question......will the nike + work with just a regular ipod? or do you have to have the nano? I love running gadgets and clothes almost as much as you do!

Shawna said...

Cool graph! Is it confirming that you ran a lot of hills yesterday, thus the big dips where you got slower and then picked up the pace again? How do we see the summary that shows your spoken feedback? That sounds interesting!

Also, Mini Leslie is freaking crazy! I think she was doing the Thriller dance at one point.

Leslie said...

Well I did run a lot of hills, but I'm confused cause on the graph it showed me it didn't look like I changed speeds nearly that much... Maybe this one is just more condensed? I have no idea how you see the one where it shows where I got spoken feedback! Maybe only I can see that, in which case I'll tell you all that I played the new Kelly Clarkson song twice in a 45-minute time period.... hahahaha.

I think the Nike+ only works with the nano and the touch (??? is that the name of it) but I am not sure... what kind of ipod do you have? I think it doesn't work with regular ipods cause they don't encourage running with them or something. Which is too bad, cause it's cool! Running gadgets really are pretty glorious.

Nike Athena said...

Well, now I'm feeling all left out and will ask for an iPod and Nike+ for my birthday. Which is coming up in case anyone forgot. ;-) Mini Leslie is cracking me up and I am thoroughly enjoying her new exuberance for life. Now I must go to class... Lame.

Meghann said...

Cute Blog!!

Thanks so much for the donation! It really did cheer me up today :)