Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Old habits

Today I ate my feelings. There were many of them, and they all tasted delicious.

I'm sad to report that it didn't have the same effect as it once did... instead I feel kind of dirty. Darn it.

My mother said last week that I'm just feeling sorry for myself. Yes, Mom, I am. And I plan to do so with ice cream by my side.

Tomorrow I plan to stop wallowing, don't worry. Hey, remember when I was down 75 pounds, religiously training for a half marathon, and was super motivated and hardcore? Yeah, so do I. That was fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a relatively new reader to your blog, and wanted to reach out (in a non creepy way) to give you big hugs. I've been in the same boat, (not the psycho killer boat, but the eating to make yourself feel better boat) and I feel your pain. HUGS!!!