Friday, February 20, 2009

Oh bother.

I'm tangled up with worry for my jobless friends, the economy, growing older, lack of direction, confusion with men, etc. I don't know what to say. Life is difficult, and I just want everyone I love to be happy and not weighed down with worry like me, but I hate not being able to fix the world for them. I think we should all just become hippies and create a commune where we can escape the rest of the world and create our own happiness instead of being dragged under with the wreckage of what we see on the news day after day.

Sorry for the whining. It may have been spurred on by the two mimosas I drank while watching a friend cut another friend's hair tonight. I was rather impressed by her skills.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I want to live on a commune!!! Can I bring Suzy?