Wednesday, February 18, 2009


My foot injury made me slower. The sudden upheaval of my entire life made me cranky and provided a good excuse for wallowing for far too long. The winter got in my way and made it too cold to run regularly for a couple months.

But I'm still a runner. I ran about 4 miles today and remembered why I like running. Apparently that was just what I needed. Throughout the winter I often found myself wishing I had an extra day off to run during the day light hours, or a fun new path to run on, or time to go running at all. Now I have all of those things, times ten! Basically I think the universe wants me to take advantage of that.

Let the half marathon training commence! The only problem is I'm not sure I'll actually be able to run the half marathon on my run-iversary, due to financial/employment/location contraints... but I might as well train for it in case I can!

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