Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm such a slacker lately.

In my defense, my entire life was uprooted within a few days. Also, I spent the weekend going to restraining order hearings and not sleeping and such. Shawna and I consumed a large variety of strange items like chilli dogs and grocery store sushi this weekend. Try not to be jealous. It was a gloriously fun weekend, but it just made me that much sadder to be leaving this morning to come back to my parent's house in Eastern Oregon. I hope I find a job back in Central Oregon soon!

Anyhow, after the waiter's random first date question about cheese, Shawna and I found ourselves discussing what our favorite types of cheeses actually are. This is clearly important information in any friendship. Imagine our surprise when we went to the grocery store and found the biggest cheese display EVER...please note Shawna's excitement:

We bought a tiny chunk of applewood smoked cheddar and gave part of it to a friend for Valentine's Day. Cheese... it's the new cool gift. Also, we went to a winter festival. Note the ice sculptures:

Tomorrow I'm going running so Mini Leslie doesn't slack off and play video games. And then I'm going to tell you all about it. What up?


Nike Athena said...

I love cheese. And ice sculptures.

Candice said...

My favorite cheese is gruyere!

Too bad cheese gives me tummy problems. My love is unrequited. I love goat cheese as well, and it doesn't upset my belly. This is clearly a sign that I should move to Slovakia and raise goats!