Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Picture this...

So there I am, in all my birthday glory, looking really fabulous in my suit, having a great time with my sister and handsome new boyfriend, and laughing with all my pals. I look particularly lovely and my ass is smaller than normal due to the fact that I'm going to run a marathon on Sunday (vomit--so nervous).

And now, please, imagine having the ex-douchebag boy that created all sorts of havoc in my life in the same bar. I didn't know about this until today, but apparently I got some super awesome secret revenge by ignoring the fact that he was even there. That's probably because I didn't know about it.

Rock. on.

1 comment:

Nike Athena said...

This post has just cleared up so many questions. Remind me to re-enact what your message sounded like on Saturday. I though the handsome boy's ex-girlfriend was at the bar and no one told you. This makes WAAAAY more sense.