Saturday, September 12, 2009

Freakishly early

It's 5:33 a.m. on a Saturday. I've been awake for approximately 45 minutes and in just a bit will be departing on a 20 mile run.

What the f is wrong with me? Saturday mornings are for sleeping. Clearly, my brain does not like to remember that.

Ah, well, there's always nap time.

The good news is that this is the longest run I will (hopefully) complete before the marathon on October 4. Here is what the remainder of my training schedule looks like:

Week 16 (next week)
Mon: 5 miles
Tues: 8 miles
Thurs: 4 miles
Sat: 12 miles

Week 17:
Mon: 4 miles
Tues: 6 miles
Thurs: 3 miles
Sat: 8 miles

Week 18:
Mon: 4 miles
Tues: 3 miles
Thurs: 2 miles

Oh, week 18, how I long for thee... This is going to be worth, it, right?

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