Friday, September 4, 2009

The marathon shirt.

Tomorrow I have big plans. They involve running 18 miles, and visiting my sister. The sister and I shall go to an auto parts store together and drink margaritas. Try not to be jealous.

My roommates are gone for three weeks, so I've been spending lots of time alone. Which leaves lots of time for though. As such, I've been thinking. I need some sort of hilarious shirt to wear to the marathon--mainly so that people notice the amusement emblazoned on my chest instead of the look of horror on my face when I realize I'm running 26.2 miles (or crawling them). Any suggestions?

I found one that says, "Running: cheaper than therapy." I feel like that might be the most appropriate. I'm in a weird spot in life right now, and feel as though running really has been my therapist. Or at least has provided me a reason to leave the house other than work. Let's face it, I have either running or chocolate frosting, and occasionally chocolate frosting wins, but mostly the thought of having paid $90 to run for five hours (wtf is wrong with me?) pressures me to get my running shoes on and go. And it always makes me feel better, more alive, more capable of not freaking out and losing it entirely. Wow, I really sound like I need therapy after that sentence. I'm totally not crazy, I swear.

So yes. Hilarity. I need some.


Shawna said...

You could be totally legendary and use a Barney quote on your shirt:

Step 1: You start running.
There is no Step 2.


Nike Athena said...

Both are hilarious. Can you have "RUnning, cheaper than therapy" on the back and step 1 on the front? Or vice versa?