Sunday, March 1, 2009

I. am. so. frustrated.

Yesterday's long run (I was planning on about 9 or 10 miles) got postponed until today because I wasn't feeling well. I awoke this morning looking forward to a couple hours by myself, outdoors, just me and my ipod.

Then I lifted Suzy Macaroni, the rockstar beagle, down from my bed. My bed in the RV is raised up so far that she can't jump down without hurting herself, so I lift her up there every night as she is a quality foot warmer. Also, my dog is about 15 pounds overweight (partly due to my parent's love of giving their grandpuppy too many treats) so she weighs about 40 pounds. I could life 40 pounds in my sleep, but apparently not in my half-awake state this morning.

As I bent over to set her on the ground, I found myself yelling out in pain as my lower back decided to be all kinds of crazy. Then, I couldn't really walk. Did I seriously throw my back out at the age of 24? I think so.

It is feeling a little better right now, after walking around some, but I really must not have been "lifting with my legs" as they say. So now I don't know what to do with myself. Should I go running and see if that makes it feel better? Or should I rest it? Or should I just lock myself in a padded room so I quit injuring myself?

I'm frustrated. I can't stop doing stupid things that end up injuring me, and then I have to take time off from running. At this rate, who the heck knows if I'll be ready to run a 1/2 marathon on April 5, even if I am ready for it.

And I still can't seem to get a full night's sleep. I think I might very well go insane. The dog is so sleeping on the floor from now on. Except I know she probably won't, cause my dog is also some kind of ninja warrior and has figured out how to get up onto the bed but not down from it. It's all very mysterious and I have no clue how she does it--it must involve jumping onto a little ledge that's there and then somehow climbing up the side of the bed. Now if only she'd figure out how to get herself down, this never would have happened.

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