Friday, March 27, 2009

Bittersweet beginnings...

Remember that job I interviewed for yesterday? Totally got it! I start Monday morning at 8 a.m.

On one hand, I'm super excited cause I'll be moving back to Central Oregon... and I'll be in the same town as Shawna! WOO! I love Central Oregon, and this is a new career for me so who knows what it might lead to. Also, it's a position that utilizes the fact that I am bilingual and I've always wanted to put my Spanish skills to good use.

On the other hand, I'm sad. I just let myself get happy about living closer to friends I've been away from for too long, and now I'm leaving them again. It's making my heart break a tiny bit to think about that. Also, I've worked for over five years to progress in the same career and now I'm switching and I feel like I'm giving up and losing all that I've worked for.

Also, I think I have to skip my half marathon. Sad story. Things happen, I suppose. I'm totally going to run 13.1 miles that day on my own, because that's enough for me.

So yeah... we'll see where this leads!

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