Thursday, March 26, 2009

Frontier women

Today we churned butter and made cupcakes and washed our hair with beer. Oh, how glorious for the Pink Spandex authors to be reunited. For instance the following are only snippets of conversation:

Leslie: "Booze and coffee! Those are my two favorite things!"

Shawna: "I want to squeeze the butter!!!"

Shawna's mom: "No one's going to be pregnant at this party?"
Shawna: "Not after this, they won't."

We had planned on only making Kahlua cupcakes this evening, but soon our adventures spread to frontier girl chores like making butter from scratch and baking bread to go with it. We are awesome. Look at these pictures!

1 comment:

Nike Athena said...

DUde, I'd buy those cupcakes.