Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Whine whine whine.

Begin whining.

I feel icky and overwhelmed by life today. I just feel like a wreck, and I'm worried about turning 25 at the end of next month. When is it that I will finally be complete and able to be happy with who I am, where I am at, what I have? There's always this unease within me, and I'm not sure how to shake that and find peace. I'm afraid of change. I'm afraid of not changing. I have this perpetual need to compare myself to others my age, and I notice that I'm not yet to the places where many of them are. That scares me. I just want to be able to proud of myself, who I am, and what I stand for. But sometimes this just feels like an impossible game of catch-up, and my legs won't move fast enough.

End whining.


Nike Athena said...

Here here. I do hereby make a toast to your honesty. Please know you're not alone in this.

Shawna said...

Thanks, Nike.

Leslie said...

Dude. Word.