Saturday, February 14, 2009

Luckily I have Shawna as my Valentine...

So, remember how I gave my number to a waiter in a random act of boldness? And how he called me and seemed normal and we made plans to meet up at this winter festival shindig and such?

Worst. decision. ever.

The evening progressed as I found out information like the fact that he is 30, lives with his parents, is on probation for cocaine charges, has done a lot of drugs, was arrested four times so far (once for drunken bicycling), and apparently is "a frickin' ninja." He kept asking me about my "styling" and told me every two seconds that my eyes were "just crazy dude." I can sure pick them, now can't I?

I ended up kind of ignoring him (I didn't know what to do, and apparently I fail at blowing off guys) and chatting with other people in hopes that he would see I wasn't interested and just go away. But he didn't. Oh, how he didn't. In fact, he followed me around like a puppy and told all my girl friends how much he liked me all evening (and began talking to one of them about love... having hung out with me for AN HOUR). Luckily, the friend told him to play hard to get. I wish he had listened. He finally decided to take off, and I thought I was safe for the evening. And then he came back. It was an unpleasant experience, and I'm probably going to declare another four-year moratorium on dating because I fail at it so badly.

I'm staying with Shawna for another night so that we can go be single and lonely together for Valentine's Day. This time I do not plan to bring along random men who are quite possibly high. I should just make that a rule for everyday life, actually.


Nike Athena said...

Um... yikes! Didn't see that one coming. 8-(

Candice said...

Wow. That is...amazing.

Next time I advise you to just act crazy right back. Start talking about your period or something! That'll make most guys run, even the ones who are high. Good times.