Thursday, February 26, 2009


Sometimes I like to give something up for Lent, even though I'm not religious, just cause everyone else is and I like to feel included. Also, it's intriguing to try to give something up for that long. I get the meaning behind it and such, but really I'm just a sucker for punishment.

Here are the things I should try to give up this year:

1. Diet soda.

2. Stupid teenage novels about vampires (too late, I already finished them)

3. Chocolate (ha!)

4. Sweatpants (unemployment provides way too many reasons to not wear real pants)

Here is what I probably will give up for Lent this year:

1. Diet soda... for about a week.


Nike Athena said...

I always thought Lent was a Catholic thing, and then one day all the Nazbos started talking about Lent and what they were giving up and I felt like the world had turned upside down. I always forget about Lent and that's probably lame of me.

Anonymous said...

i'm giving up diet soda for lent! it should prove a challenge-but I think I'm up for it :) and a fun fact (which i didn't learn until about 4 or 5 years ago) sundays apparently don't count.