Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Who am I?

A year and two days ago, I ran the Portland marathon.

Yesterday I spent my evening on the couch with some chicken strips. The night before, I ate f-oreos and cheez-its and found myself, again, on the couch.

I think the couch and I are becoming a little too close. The problem with wallowing, and being in the depths of despair, is that I'm really, really good at sitting on the couch. I'm all about chicken strips and f-oreos, I just typically like to think that I choose to balance them out with healthy meals and lots of activity. That's not so much the case lately. It would appear I am not doing so well with operation super hotness. Whoops. Time to restart my mission!

The problem is that it's really, really difficult to not feel like I'm in the depths of despair lately. Darn it.

1 comment:

Nike Athena said...

The couch is a bitch like that. And chicken strips and f-oreos taste better than sweat.