Here are the things we enjoy about our life together:
1. Buying f-oreos (fake Oreos) and eating them with milk. The fake ones absorb the milk better!
2. Hugging each other as hard as we can to see if it freaks our neighbor out.
3. High-fiving each other twice.
4. Watching glorious television such as "Veronica Mars" and "Buffy"
5. Waxing our lips. But not our nether regions. Lesson learned.
6. Late night conversations and dance parties.
7. Collection unicorns.
8. Dressing up in costume for nights on the town... or any reason, really.
9. Discovering the karaoke channel.
10. Watching "How I Met Your Mother" and fantasizing about Neil Patrick Harris, who is clearly going to become straight and will want to be our boyfriend immediately.
11. Fascinations with things such as polygamy. "Big Love" anyone?
12. Not caring that the world thinks that we are most likely lesbians, when really we just plan to be like the "Golden Girls" and eat cheesecake. If we were really married, don't you think we would have registered for a magic bullet by now?
13. Farting. You know you're very good friends when you get to a point that you can do that in front of each other (but not ON each other, which Shawna fails to recognize at times).
14. Crafting a home that resembles a carnival... It's like living a life of magic.
15. Road trips!
16. Costco, and all the lovely things it brings us, like giant bags of spinach, frozen burritos, and giant bottles of champagne.
17. 44 ounces of soda from Sonic. Hello, happy hour.
18. Payday sushi. Yes, we have a date night, every payday, where we eat sushi.
19. Being awesome.
Now, a photographic tour of our lives together...

Aw, I love you girlies. Happy anniversary! Wishing you many many more.
PS: Leaving you girls some blog love on my blog shortly.
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