Saturday, October 9, 2010

I am alive.

Dear blog, you’ve heard it before: I’m a lazy son of a gun. I have not written to you in the longest time, but know that you are always on my mind… just like Georgia.

Leslie and I had some tough summers, and we are trying to settle into changes that have occurred in our lives. Hers may have been more heartbreaking, but I had some unhappiness as well which I don’t feel comfortable posting on the interwebs. Anyway, here is fall, and I am happy for it to be here with all of its leaves and cider and Halloween costumes. (BT-Dub, Leslie and I are going to be Ghostbusters this year. Frick yes!)

As you know, Leslie and I always enjoy a writing a good list, so here are the things that are making me excited right now:
  1. The book Zombies vs. Unicorns. It was pretty much written with our interests in mind.
  2. My new Wii. I pre-ordered "Just Dance 2," and it is released in three days. I CANNOT WAIT!
  3. Black nail polish I keep peeling off my nails.
  4. Going to visit the Roloff farm in a couple weeks with Leslie and Nike.
  5. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows midnight showing!
  6. Polar Plunging with "Team Apocalypse... We've all been there" as a gang of Buffys (or is it Buffies).
  7. Finding an opportunity to wear Leslie's and my newly acquired unicorn costume. It's brilliant.

So, yeah, there's some good stuff I'm looking forward to right now. Yeah fall!

1 comment:

Nike Athena said...

#4 - frick yes!
#5 - when are you going and why haven't you invited me?