Friday, December 19, 2008

Thursday afternoon

Something about a haircut always snaps me back to reality. I’m a huge slacker about getting my hair cut (it had been like a year, whoops) so yesterday I decided I should probably get something done about that. They cancelled work for the afternoon because of the weather, and my coworker recommended her hairdresser to me (who just happened to have time yesterday afternoon) so off I went.

The thing about the hairdresser is that you have to sit in front of a mirror for a little while. In the past this has always surprised me because I looked heavier in their mirror than I thought I was. Yesterday I glanced in the mirror and noticed that my eyeliner was smudged, and carried on a conversation with the woman wielding scissors near my head. Fifteen minutes later I realized I didn’t look in the mirror and think I looked fat. That didn’t surprise me so much as the fact that it didn’t occur to me immediately.

My hair turned out pretty cute, by the way. I had her cut about four inches off and I feel like a new woman. Since I had a free afternoon (again… I’m starting to love snow days) I figured I would get a workout in earlier than normal—and just as I got home the sun came out. Naturally I took the dog on a walk and then set out for a run. I mean, the sun was out! The fact that I was sent home from work due to impending inclement weather didn’t even come to mind. Silly, silly Leslie.

I was three miles away from my house when the snow hit. This was not the occasional gentle snowflake—I was in the middle of an f-ing blizzard. Luckily I had just turned around, and could still see about ten feet in front of me (better than five, right?) so I high-tailed it towards my house. I had taken the proper cold-weather running precautions in order to keep myself as dry as possible, but I definitely had a moment of thinking, “What if I tripped and cracked my head open? This was most likely a dumb idea.”

I made it home, obviously. Several passing drivers gave me some very confused looks on my way. As I walked in my door I realized that I had ice encrusted on my eyebrows and eyelashes, and snow caked on my clothes. Sexy. Next time I want to run that far from my house I plan to check the weather first. That six-mile run certainly made me feel like a badass, however.

So now we now… all it takes to cheer me up is some scissors and a chance to get frostbite.


Nike Athena said...

I love you and you rock. I hear you on the delayed haircuts, I think I'm on month four or five. Apparently my hair does not grow fast cause I doesn't seem to be getting any longer. Which is what I was going for.

Becky said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! Oh you crack me up! I love reading this!