So here it is... the 100th post on Pink Spandex. Are you so excited?
Since we've made it to 100 posts, Shawna and I felt we should do something super cool. As a result, you can enter to win a box of Celestial Seasonings Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride Herbal Tea! It's totally awesome, and would also a free box of tea for you, so anyone who hasn't commented before should totally leave us a comment and enter.
Here's what you have to do to enter: leave us a comment with your name, one reason why you are awesome, and your feelings about spandex athletic attire (not necessarily limited to pink spandex, obviously). In 100 hours, Shawna and I will put the names of anyone who has commented in a hat and draw for a winner!
I'm kind of curious as to how many readers we have besides those related to me--speaking of which, if you are related to me (this includes anyone who calls my parents "Mom and Dad" and you know who are you are) you're disqualified because odds are I've already sent you tea with an excited note about how delicious it is. So quit trying to score free stuff from me, hookers! Also, Celestial Seasonings isn't paying us to promote their tea. It's just awesome tea and I happen to want to share the glory.
So go on, comment!
I want you to know that I have been looking for this tea all over and have yet to find it. So, now maybe I can get it! ;)
My name is Georgianna. I am awesome because I have lost alot of weight this year too (60 lbs, not quite your 75!). I have a love/hate relationship with spandex athletic attire.
Ooooh, I hope I win, I want some yummy tea. And congrats on 100! Woohooo!
I'm Sarah and I'm awesome because I love my body...it is perfect for me - it is strong, forgiving and gets me where I want to be. I like spandex for spin class.
Not related to you and I read this blog. I enjoy your humor.
HAHAH! You crack me up, Leslie! I totally didn't do the Shred last night and ran on the treadmill and ate Christmas cookies instead. It was an AWESOME run though so I feel less bad about the cookies.
I LOVE spandex! I've loved it ever since I rowed in college! This whole legging epidemic? Totally up my chunky-ass alley!
I'm awesome because I read your blog everyday! But you should give the prize to someone who doesn't, cuse I don't need no prizes to keep reading. I read this just to laugh and laugh and laugh....
Happy 100!
So, I'm upset that blogspot wouldn't let me comment AT ALL last night. It made me sad cause I was going to be the first to comment on your 100th post. I was amused that you qualified "not related to me" with "and don't call my parents mom or dad" cause my initial thought was, "Well, we're not technically related," which was followed up by, "Oh, but I do call your parents mom and dad." It's even on my calendar, "Mom Mitts' birthday," "Mom and Dad Mitts' anniversary," etc.
I love spandex, even though I'm currently feeling self conscious in it, and am quite sad my spandex shorts are MIA. I also love you. I think you're pretty. (I just copied my comment in case blogspot has a conspiracy against me.)
I'm Jamie and I am awesome because I have figured out that doing yoga on a regular basis makes me less crazy. I enjoy spandex when it's cold out but not my favorite for hot weather attire. I find your blog to be super inspirational. Your positive attitude and humor keep me motivated and laughing. Thanks!
I'm Jamie and I am awesome because I have figured out that doing yoga on a regular basis makes me less crazy. I enjoy spandex when it's cold out but not my favorite for hot weather attire. I find your blog to be super inspirational. Your positive attitude and humor keep me motivated and laughing. Thanks!
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