Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Like a snow day (but warmer!)

I had an unexpected day off from work today. When I was about 10 minutes away from my office my coworker texted me to tell me that there wasn't any power and work was delayed by a couple hours. So back home I went, and decided that it was a glorious opportunity to go running during the daylight hours. I ran five miles and then did level 3 of the 30 Day Shred, and was about to hop in the shower and head back to work when the coworker texted me to let me know that there still wasn't any power and work was delayed till after the lunch hour.

Since I was already being so productive, I decided to walk the dog, do some laundry, go grocery shopping, eat lunch, and run a couple errands... just as I was about to head back to work again, I was told that work had been canceled for the whole day. Hurray! And since I had been so productive all morning I found myself without anything to do for the rest of the evening. Cue me on the couch with a mug of tea and some talk shows. I love days off. And I love having the whole evening free like this!

Right now I'm watching a rerun of Tyra and they're doing a social experiment where women are comparing their bodies to those of several models, compared to their loved ones comparing the women's bodies to those of the models. It's really interesting how women see themselves so differently than others see them. I totally get that because I can be very critical of myself, and yet when it comes to my loved ones I think they look awesome and would hate to hear them criticize themselves in the same way. Right before this I caught part of Dr. Phil where a bartender was demoted because she gained five pounds (she's a size six) and I read some news and discovered that Oprah is horrified cause she's hit 200 pounds on the scale. It would seem that weight/body image issues are surrounding me today. Just in case you were curious, when it comes to my own body I am feeling quite awesome this afternoon and am looking pretty sexy in a pair of flannel pajamas.

Speaking of Oprah, I really sympathize with her and feel badly for her. I know what it's like to regain weight and wonder what other people are saying about you, but I definitely haven't dealt with this to the extent that Oprah has. Can you imagine struggling with your weight and having an entire world watching you? And having millions of women look up to you and take advice from you? That's got to be rough. But come on, she's Oprah, we all know she's fabulous at any size.

I have to get off the couch now, as I'm pretty sure the talk shows are rotting my brain. I need my brain...particularly cause I'll actually have to go to work and use it tomorrow.

1 comment:

Nike Athena said...

I'm glad you had a surprise day off and got to relax. I'm also glad we got to catch up!