Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sugar cookie tea contest!

Soo.... Four people entered our contest, which is approximately three more readers than I thought we had! WOO!

Lucky for all of you, the holiday tea was on sale for super cheap this week, and seeing as how so few people entered Shawna and I thought it was only appropriate to make you ALL winners!!! So Georgianna, Sarah, Becky, and Jamie will all receive a box of sugar cookie tea courtesy of the ladies of Pink Spandex.

E-mail me your addresses to and I'll get it in the mail. Also, I promise not to stalk you. And thank you for reading/entering!

Tomorrow I'll post photos of a Christmas party adventure. There were ugly sweaters, hair ribbons, and clip on birds. Also, Shawna created a Pink Spandex mascot as my Christmas gift and it is AWESOME. Photos to follow soon.

1 comment:

Nike Athena said...

Woohoo! I'm excited to see the mascot!

I am a bundle of sexiness today. Mucus galore has invaded my system. Awesome.

Today's security word is "berneful." That should be a balderdash word.