Thursday, November 6, 2008

I feel so productive.

Not only did I join a gym today, but I actually went to the gym! Oh yeah. I am so punk rock.

Due to the fact that I live in the middle of nowhere I had a limited number of gyms to choose from. I chose the one that isn't a chain (I'm all about supporting local business)--turns out its kind of ghetto fabulous, which I'm also amused by. It has a lot of cardio equipment and a whole bunch of weights and whatnot, and it was moderately cheap, so it seemed fine. The owner wasn't busy while I was there so he offered to show me how the equipment works, which was nice of him cause big electronic things tend to frighten me.

I must admit that I really almost chickened out. There is absolutely no reason why I should be afraid of gyms, but I kind of am. I swear my gym class experiences in school have damaged me emotionally--and I'm only partly kidding. Anyway, it turns out that it wasn't as terrifying as I expected. Luckily I was talking on the phone to a friend when I pulled into the parking lot and she yelled at me and told me not to be afraid of the gym people (she has a gym membership already so I trusted her).

After signing up I came home and thought to myself, "Self, why don't you actually go use that membership?" Back to the gym I went. I only logged in a little time on the elliptical since I'm trying to take it easy for the rest of the week. For the most part, I was the only person there. Later a man came in and did some weight lifting and hardcore grunting. It was pretty uneventful.

There you have it. Don't be afraid of the gym. They aren't that scary. Am I the only person afraid of gyms?


Unknown said...
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Becky said...

I have to go to the gym in the winter too, cuse my knees HATE the cold. Running in one place isn't so bad if you have a TV. I always pick the treadmill right in front of the TV with the volume on and, before you know it, an hour has passed. Just be careful not to get too distracted, I completely bit it last week and went rolling off the back of the thing.
Gyms are fun. But also very dangerous... :-)

Nike Athena said...

I am terrified of gyms as well. Which is why our gym membership died an uneventful death after our personal trainer contract was up. I think it's different once you get into shape and feel awesome about yourself, though. Good work on going through with it!