I think that perhaps the time change threw me off. My hangover is gone (hurray!) but I woke up just feeling kind of gross. I ate crap yesterday cause I felt like crap, and my impending sickness seems determined to arrive. When I went for my four mile run the skies decided to open up and release a torrential downpour. The wind was icy cold and slapping me directly in the face, I was soaked, and it was dark and unpleasant outside. I didn't even take my favorite four-mile route because it was pitch black and I prefer to stick close to street lights in order to avoid being murdered or eaten by wild animals. As I trudged along and tried unsuccessfully to avoid puddles I thought to myself, "Self, what the f are you doing outside right now? It's cold and unfriendly out here." Then the hail started.
So here is a weird and narcissistic thing I sometimes do when I feel this way: I look at old photos of myself and remember what I have accomplished. That's right, I'm a camera whore and very vain. Don't judge. I forget that 70 pounds is a lot and sometimes I have to remind myself. I figure the changes I have created in myself are pretty good motivation. Also, not dying due to obesity related illnesses is another huge plus. All but one of the following are photos from the races I've done--not for any particular reason, I just thought it was interesting. I shall now proceed to humor myself. Enjoy.
Here is me at about 220 pounds:

The first 5K, April 2008:

The second 5K, July 2008:

Birthday 10K, September 2008:

And half marathon, last weekend:

I think that part of the reason I do this sometimes is that I don't realize how I have changed my body until I see photos of myself. So it might be a little strange, but it helps me remember that even though I may want to rip my legs off and hit myself in the face with them sometimes (like when I run 4 miles during a horrendous storm) there is definitely a method to my madness.
And that is enough of my rambling for today.
1 comment:
I love that my boob is in one of those pictures. Ha! And, dude, what an awesome difference in your arms and legs between the second 5K and the 10K. Wow!
I'm doing the opposite picture thing at the moment - looking at pictures from when I was skinner to remind myself why I'm exercising. =)
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