I did not cry, at all, during the whole day. I was pleased. It actually a super fun birthday, even though I recently found out some info that temporarily put me back into the depths of despair. Whatever. IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY, BITCHES!
First, I went camping for the weekend at the coast with my heterosexual life mate. It was excellent weather, until the second night when a storm hit. Both our tents leaked, and we wandered away from our campsite for the day on adventures. When we returned, my tent had blown into the next camp site. And flooded. And the dish soap we brought was in a bag inside my tent. Let's just say... there were bubbles.
Chelse is the type of friend that knows what I am thinking when I don't have to say it, and she got me an excellent birthday gift that reminded me just how super cool she is. It was a good vacation.
Upon my arrival home, Shawna and I traveled with our neighbor to the local fro-yo joint, where we FREAKING SAW MATTHEW FOX. Yes. He was there. I saw him. It was the best birthday EVER.
Then, I dressed up crazy and had a dance party. And played pool. And drank... a lot.
Probably, I should be embarrassed to be me. But I'm not. Also, they gave me a Snuggie. It is awesome, and I am all set for spinsterhood. I also request that you all google "Snuggie Sutra" immediately.
I have to go watch the Britney Spears episode of Glee now. Whatever, my love for Britney Spears is never ending, despite the fact that I am now the ripe old age of 26.
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