Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ain't life a bitch?

Hilarious things I said to an old friend while updating her on the past four months of my life:
"Meh. I'm not dead. Or homeless. And I just ate a burrito, so really things are looking up!"
"My doctor is a rude bitch. Actually she's a really nice lady. I feel badly that I said that about her. But she has bad timing!"
"Is it wrong to go for a run and end my run at a coworker's house for a glass of wine? Like... How much does that defeat the purpose?"

I thought I would be so very different at 26. Yes, I know I'm not 26 for two more weeks. I'm rounding up!

This weekend I shall volunteer all day at an event for the homeless. Also, I shall run, and attend a baby shower. You know you're jealous.

I'm off to run... and probably drink wine. Whatever. Don't judge!

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