Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dear Shawna, please blog.

I keep forgetting to blog. I think the blog misses Shawna.

If you say "blog" enough times in a row, it sounds weird.

I have nothing interesting to report. I work a lot, I run a lot, I sleep a lot. It's just how exciting I am, really.

Tonight I shall eat Subway and watch the Biggest Loser finale with my good pal Anne and her mother, because the three of us are a trifecta of product-placement-rocking awesome.

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Oh no! You're missing the Lady Gaga episode of Glee tonight! How sad for you. Have fun with The Biggest Loser. Yes, I keep beginning blogs and have drafts of them and then don't have time or forget to finish and post them. I shall get on that immediately.